Saturday, April 27, 2024, 5:54 AM
Site: MSL Learn
Course: MSL Learn (MSL_Learn)
Glossary: Quick Reference: MSL Terms, Acronyms, and Lingo


Online Public Access Catalog

Automated catalog providing patron access through computers. See also PAC.


One Time Only 

A phrase used when the legislature or Governor's budget office agrees to fund a program or service for one year or one biennium only. A new request would have to be filed to get funding beyond the one year.



Public Library Survey (PLS)

The Montana State Library Public Library Annual Statistical Report, also referred to as the Public Libraries Survey (PLS), provides statistics on the status of public libraries in Montana. The submission is an essential standard as outlined in Administrative Rules of Montana 10.102.1150A Public Library Standards: General. These statistics are in turn submitted to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), allowing peer comparisons between libraries of similar variables across the country. 

Data includes information about library visits, circulation, size of collections, public service hours, staffing, electronic resources, operating revenues and expenditures and number of service outlets. These data are used by federal, state and local officials, professional associations, and local practitioners for planning, evaluation, and policy making. 


Public Land Survey System



Request for Proposal is a term used in soliciting official bids for goods and services.


Real Time Network



State Accounting, Budget, and Human Resource System


Senate Bill

Usually associated with a number and refers to a bill introduced in the Montana Senate.

Look up drafts, bills, and other information on the Montana Legislature webpage.


Species Occurrence

A mapped representation of a known occurrence of a Species of Concern that typically includes an associated circular area of locational uncertainty concerning its exact location. Animal Species Occurrences usually include areas around the observation that represent a typical home range size for the species; suitable habitats within this area are likely occupied by the species.


Species of Concern
A special designation used by NHP to denote plants and animals that are at risk or potentially at risk.